But I Know You [Story Board]
There are songs that feel like marathons to write, and there are songs the feel like they fall into your lap…and then there are songs that feel like both. But I Know You started as a melodic thought that fell into my lap. It felt more like a song that already existed somewhere inside of me that I was chasing down than a new thought. (That is some of my favorite songwriting advice, by the way. My dad shared it with me - he told me that writing a song is a lot like remembering a song that you already know. I have always held fast to that concept, and that’s what But I Know You felt like.) The beginnings of the song were there, but I knew it needed more. The Lord knew what it needed and who it needed too! I was blessed to walk into a songwriting session with two people I respect very much, Tony Wood and Josh Bronleewe.
During the time this song was written, a handful of people in my closest community were walking through seasons of trials and suffering. Although I wasn’t experiencing it first hand, I was given the gift of holding that tension alongside some of these faith warriors in my life who were on the frontlines. It deeply marked me to watch how sorrow and joy, questions and peace, faith and broken hearts co-exist in the life of a Christ follower. There is one cling-to-able truth beaming from a broken heart in the midst of suffering, and it is that God is trustworthy. (and you can’t really trust him if you don’t KNOW him.) The answers to all the questions can remain unknown as long as God is known, because knowing him is where peace comes from. This peace is more than a feeling, but a promise. It does not make sense from the outside looking in. It surpasses understanding and rises above the need to know all the answers, because this peace comes from knowing and trusting his heart. If you know his heart personally, if you experience his love and his friendship regularly, any circumstantial changes in life do not have the power to dim the lights of your hope. You can rest in his steadfast character and his unwavering commitment of care for you, his redeemed.
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10
The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7